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  • chris hamilton

The core teachings of the Catholic church are examined and contrasted with the doctrines of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture and justification.

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In this session, we will review the seven passages in the New Testament that clarify and illustrate the process, purpose, and exercise of church discipline. The application of those principles at Grace Church will also discussed.

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Stewarding Your Reputation

Chris Hamilton | Selected Scriptures | 2/3/2023

Foundation | Series: Stewardship

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Stewardship of Money

Chris Hamilton | Selected Scriptures | 10/28/2022

Foundation | Series: Stewardship

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The financial headlines of the day make managing money seem impossible and uncertain. We will look at the simple truths in the Bible and make application of that wisdom to your daily handling of money.

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Parenting in a culture that is hostile to both our children and biblical truth is a challenge. This session will encourage parents and equip them to address the difficult parenting issues that often arise in the midst of an antagonistic culture.

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