Joint Heirs Ladies T.E.A. Joint Heirs Women’s

2nd Mondays at 6:45 pm in T270

The Joint Heirs Ladies T.E.A. is an acronym for teaching, edification, and application. Our fellowship is sponsored by the Joint Heirs fellowship group but all women of the church are welcome to attend. We gather in the T270 from 6:45-9pm on the second Monday of each month.

The Joint Heirs Ladies T.E.A. purposes to teach women biblical truths and edify each other through the practice of the 'one-anothers' in order to apply practical wisdom that stimulates obedience and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

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Women's Ministry


Janelle McLean image

Janelle McLean

Joint Heirs Ladies T.E.A.

Lori Patton image

Lori Patton

Joint Heirs Ladies T.E.A.

Janie Street image

Janie Street

Joint Heirs Ladies T.E.A.


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