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  • austin duncan

In 1923, J. Gresham Machen published his book, Christianity and Liberalism, in response to the cultural challenges of his day. Exactly 100 years later, his words ring out as powerfully as ever as he shows that progressive Christianity is not Christianity at all. This seminar will explore the enduring effects of Machen’s life and insights to help our church understand why liberalism still remains a threat to true Christianity and how we ought to respond.

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What does it mean to be called to preach? How would you know if you were? Today, the call to the ministry can be easily misunderstood. Some consider it to be mystical and subjective, others presume upon and abuse it, and others simply have questions about it. In any case, God’s Word provides abundant clarity for discerning this desire for the noble task of pastoral ministry.

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While this question may be intimidating to some and intriguing to others, its answer is essential for all. A. W.  Tozer said, “what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This session will explore the character and work of God the Father to begin to answer this all-important question for our lives.

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