Frequently Asked Questions

How much does The Master’s Kids cost?
Total tuition cost for TMK is $270.00.  A deposit of $90.00 is due after acceptance into the program with a final payment of $180.00 due at the August Kick-off Meeting.  Please keep in mind that there are other small costs that arise as moms are periodically asked to bring refreshments for the class.

How old should a child be to be in The Master’s Kids?
Ideally, a child would attend TMK the year before he or she starts kindergarten.  The child should be four years of age by December 1st to be eligible for the program.  Priority is given to those turning four before September 1st.

When does The Master’s Kids stop accepting applications?
Applications will be accepted up until the end of October provided there are class openings.  A waiting list is kept in case openings occur.

What important dates should prospective Master’s Kids moms be aware of?
The Kick-off Meeting on August 21st is for those accepted into the program.  At this important meeting, moms will receive information about the upcoming year and will be given their t-shirts, tote bags, and notebooks.

What if I am unable to attend the meetings mentioned above?
The dates are given out well in advance, so we ask that every effort be made to attend, especially if you are new to the program.  Please let the program director know if you are unable to attend any of the meetings.

When does TMK begin and what is the time frame for each class?
TMK commences the Tuesday following Labor Day week each September.  Class begins at 9:00am and ends at 12:15pm.

The program used to be held on two separate days. Is there no longer a Friday class?
Two separate classes did formerly meet on Tuesdays and Fridays.  This year we are only offering one class day, Tuesdays.

Do I attend the TMK class with my child?
Yes! TMK is a co-op, not a typical “drop-off” preschool.  It is a Mommy & Me program that enlists the help of all class moms to ensure that the program runs smoothly.  There is a mix of time together with the child, as well as a time when the moms fellowship together.