Local Outreach

When the Apostle Peter was seeking to describe what it means to be a Christian, he gave us insight into God's motive for saving a people for His own possession. In 1 Peter 2:9, Peter tells us that God has redeemed Christians "so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." We serve a magnificently gracious God who has forgiven our sins and has satisfied our souls. And because we love Him, we desire to "proclaim His excellencies" to all who will listen.

Our Local Outreach department seeks to instruct and equip Grace Community Church members in the obedient and joyful pursuit of that Great Commission (cf. Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8) by taking the Gospel to our community. Our philosophy of ministry regarding evangelism is as follows. Biblical evangelism is:

  • God-centered rather than man-centered
  • Theology-driven rather than method-driven
  • Discipleship-oriented rather than decision-oriented
  • Time-redeeming

Contact Information

Local Outreach Department


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Mike Riccardi image

Mike Riccardi

Local Outreach


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A Local Harvest

One of the most significant aspects about the ministry of Grace Church is our steadfast commitment to global missions. As we seek to faithfully steward the international impact God has given us, it is essential to recognize that this focus...

Local Outreach

Hope for the Hopeless

By God’s amazing grace, the truth of His Word has sounded forth from Grace Community Church throughout five decades of faithful preaching. And we thank God that the sanctifying power of His Word is producing men and women of integrity who hunger...

Local Outreach

A Light in the Darkest Place

I experienced a radical change in July of 1989 that took me from decades of bondage to drugs, alcohol, racism, violence, and numerous prison sentences, to being a lover of Jesus. I was converted on a jailhouse floor, and the vision for Mt. Nebo...

Local Outreach

Exercising Opportunities for Evangelism

Here in Los Angeles, the Lord has truly brought the nations to us. People in our own neighborhood need to hear the gospel, and God has granted us the privilege of bringing it to them. One of the ways we do that is through sports outreach ministries..

Local Outreach

Gospel Presentations in Various Languages

Here is a list of Gospel presentations in various languages

Local Outreach

Recent Media

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Arabic – “Two Paths, One Way”

Matthew 7:13–27 | 4/12/2010

Local Outreach

Download(s): Arabic MP3

Download(s): Armenian MP3

Download(s): Armenian MP3

Cantonese – Gospel Presentation

Selected Scriptures | 4/10/2010

Local Outreach

Download(s): Cantonese MP3

Croatian – Gospel Presentation

Selected Scriptures | 4/9/2010

Local Outreach

Download(s): Croatian MP3