We Will Not Be Silenced

by W. Lutzer

We Will Not Be Silenced is a sobering account of the forces that are attempting to dismantle our Scriptural values to make way for a godless future. Tracing the unraveling of the American culture, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, pastor emeritus of the Moody Church, notes how the secular left is attacking our Judeo-Christian values with the goal of destroying the nuclear family, importing sexually explicit curriculum into our public schools, suppressing our spiritual values, and curbing individual rights. For this to become a reality, he demonstrates how the education of our children is being taken out of our hands as parents and is being surrendered to the state.

Fearful we are allowing this secular culture to inform our thinking or even raise our children, Dr. Lutzer shines a light on current issues such as diversity, race, gender, media, and free speech. He exhorts us not to remain silent but to respond courageously to the current attacks on Christianity. He encourages us to keep our focus on the gospel, to identify the toxic responses that secular culture disguises as solutions, and to show compassion and gentleness to those outside the faith without affirming their beliefs. It is a must-read, especially for parents and students. To be forearmed is to be forewarned!

—Irv Busenitz, Commissioned

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