A New Year of Faith Promise

For Carlan Wendler and his family, the past year has been a time of fruitful ministry in Kibuye, Burundi.

“Our local church in Kibuye has been around since the first missionaries settled on these equatorial slopes almost 80 years ago. The current building, made from irregular and large bricks, eucalyptus poles, and a kind of asbestos sheeting—which has been outlawed for about 50 years in the United States—is really showing its age. Thanks to the generous Faith Promise gift from Grace Community Church, we were able to partially fund a replacement sanctuary that will not only incorporate structural and aesthetic improvements, such as rebar, poured concrete columns, and a pair of stained-glass windows, but will seat almost twice as many congregants and keep them dry during rainy season.

Buying locally sourced materials like bricks and stone as well as employing local masons and craftsmen means that this new building will not only bless our community spiritually but also financially improve the lives of our neighbors. Most of the time strengthening the local church means discipleship and theological training, but sometimes we need to strengthen the building as well!”
—Carlan Wendler

It is remarkable to see how the Lord works in His people around the world to proclaim the saving message of the gospel, and it is our joy and privilege to participate in that work through prayer and giving toward our missionaries. One of the most important ways our church body supports missionaries like Carlan is through the Faith Promise initiative. For over twelve years Faith Promise has played a significant role in sending new missionaries to the field, supporting our affiliated training centers, meeting missionary budget shortfalls, covering administrative costs, and funding the gospel ministry efforts of these faithful servants around the globe. 

April 28 and May 5, you will find a Faith Promise commitment card in Grace Today. Please prayerfully consider what amount the Lord might provide for you to contribute over the next twelve months above your regular giving. Cards can be filled out anonymously and then dropped in the offering or returned to the Faith Promise Patio table this Sunday or next. Remember, the amount you give is not as important as your prayerful participation, because we know that through His people, He will indeed provide the resources necessary for His gospel to go forth around the world.

For more information or to commit to give, stop by the Patio table Sunday morning or visit gracechurch.org/fp.