Dominican Republic image

Dominican Republic

July 20–31, 2024

Team Goals:

  • VBS around 350 children
  • Street evangelism and biblical evangelism training for the church
  • Evangelistic visits to Orphanages and Hospitals
  • Medical evangelistic brigade

Team Leader: Manuel Herrera

8-15 people

Actividades del equipo:

  • VBS alrededor de 350 niños
  • Evangelismo en las calles y capacitación en evangelismo bíblico para la iglesia
  • Visitas evangelísticas a Orfanatos y Hospitales
  • Brigada médica evangelística

8-15 personas

Team Members

Aimee Martinez
Alex Loza
Angela Garcia
Armida Mineros
Frances Leong
Gian Luca Holzer
Gilma Santamaria
Jackie Perez
Jared Bailey
Judith Hernandez
Leslie Aldana
Manuel Herrera
Marilyn Hernandez
Marlon and Dalia Bustamante

Support a Team Member

To partner financially, please prayerfully consider supporting one of our team members.



Dominican Republic


Angel Cordoza


Consider joining an STM team! We need people every year willing to sacrifice their time and energy for gospel ministries around the world. Please consider serving the Lord in this way next year.

To apply, first create a login on the Managed Missions website.

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