Recent Sermons

God Delights in Belief

Jay Lennington | Mark 7:23–37 | 7/14/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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Hard Hearts

Jay Lennington | Mark 7:1–22 | 7/7/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

The Sinfullness Around us is not the Problem, It's the Sin in Our Hearts That God Needs to Clean Up

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The Sufficient Shepherd

Jay Lennington | Mark 6:30–56 | 6/23/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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In a World of Unbelief

Jay Lennington | Mark 6:1–29 | 6/16/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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Fruitful Living

Jay Lennington | Mark 4:21–41 | 5/19/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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Surveying the Soil

Jay Lennington | Mark 4:1–20 | 5/12/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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Colliding with Christ, Part 2

Jay Lennington | Mark 2:18–3:6 | 5/5/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Colliding with Christ | Series: Mark Study

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Colliding with Christ

Jay Lennington | Mark 2:18–3:6 | 4/28/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Colliding with Christ | Series: Mark Study

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Our Greatest Need

Jay Lennington | Mark 2:1–17 | 4/21/2019

XCHANGE | Series: Mark Study

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