The Pastor’s Library

Imagine a church with only a few Bibles for the whole congregation to share. Or picture a pastor who lacks the resources needed for proper sermon preparation. Consider how challenging it would be for believers to thrive in such a context. Yet, there are many places in the world today where these kinds of challenges persist.

Believers in the west have access to a treasure trove of theological tools. From sound Bible translations to doctrinal treatises to online sermon repositories, we have been blessed with an abundance of spiritually rich resources. We should be grateful for these profound blessings, seeking to steward them wisely for God’s glory. Part of that stewardship includes sharing these resources with churches around the globe who need them.

One of the ways we can further this work is through a new ministry called the African Revitalization Centre (ARC). ARC exists to support developing churches in Africa. One of the ways it does this is by supplying African pastors with a foundational library for sermon preparation and theological study. This library, The Pastor’s Library, consists of a thirty-three volume set of biblical study tools including commentaries, systematic theologies, Bible surveys, and introductions. 

The Pastor’s Library is a means to help the church counter the deadly errors sweeping across that part of the world—such as Islam, ancestor worship, and the prosperity gospel. Unfortunately, books by unsound authors are often the most available, leaving the church weak and defenseless in the face of these and other errors.

For this reason, it is our desire and joy to support pastors in Africa with solid biblical resources. You may never make a trip to Africa, but you can help equip the church there through this worthy cause. 

You can sponsor a pastor’s library for $110; volumes in the library inlclude:

MacArthur NT Commentaries
by John MacArthur

Called to Be Saints: An Exposition of 1 Corinthians
by Robert Gromacki

Biblical Doctrine
by John MacArthur & Richard Mayhue

Road Maps for the Non-Pauline Epistles and Revelation
by Kress

Philippians for Pastors
by John Kitchen

The Master’s Plan for the Church
by John MacArthur

Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically
by John MacArthur

African Pastoral Support

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