Lord’s Day Services Grace Pulpit

Videos of the last 5 weeks' full Sunday live stream services. Please note: services are usually made available within a week, but not all services are able to be posted online. For a full archive of past sermons available, visit the Grace Pulpit sermons page. More videos can be found on the Grace Media app.

July 21, 2024 - Evening Service


Message Looking to the Lord
Austin Duncan • Psalm 123

July 21, 2024 - Morning Service


Message Indebted, Eager, and Unashamed
Steven J. Lawson • Romans 1:14-17

July 14, 2024 - Evening Service


Message When Theology Doesn’t Work
Austin Duncan • Psalm 40 

July 14, 2024 - Morning Service


Message Number Your Days
Steven J. Lawson • July 14, 2024.

July 7, 2024 - Evening Service


Message Christ the Constant Intercessor
Abner Chou • Zechariah 3:1-5

July 7, 2024 - Morning Service


Message The Two Witnesses
John MacArthur • July 7, 2024.

June 30, 2024 - Evening Service


Message Christ the True Conqueror
Abner Chou • Daniel 3:25 

June 30, 2024 - Morning Service


Message The Final Mystery Revealed 
John MacArthur • Revelation 10:1-11

June 23, 2024 - Evening Service


Message Look Up!
Isaias Munoz • Colossians 3:1-4

June 23, 2024 - Morning Service


Messgae The Coming Demonic Invasion
John MacArthur • Revelation 9:12-21