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  • Sundays in July

Some love eschatology, yet others are intimidated by it, wondering if it has a purpose other than stirring up debates. We will survey what the Bible says about the future and see why the Bible talks about it in the first place.

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This seminar will continue the study began last week, as we learn not only of what God says we are, but also of the glory and responsibility we have of being created as bearers of His image.

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How could a seminary dropout who suffered from chronic depression and disease inspire countless missionaries? Why would Jonathan Edwards, America’s greatest theologian, write that man’s biography, and eventually follow in his footsteps at great personal cost? Learn of the Great Awakening that gave birth to David Brainerd, whose brief but amazing life still inspires us today. 

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Scripture is clear that vengeance belongs to God alone, yet relational rifts often introduce a temptation to avenge a wrong ourselves. We will look at what the Bible says about God’s vengeance and a Christian’s responsibility to trust and forgive.

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From the pulpit at Westminster Chapel in London, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones set a new standard for faithful and passionate preaching, a standard that continues to be relevant today. We will benefit immensely from a look at the exemplary life and ministry of a trained physician who sensed an irresistible call to preach.

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“Let go and let God” theology may sound appealing, but this popular approach to sanctification is both deeply unbiblical and extremely harmful. This seminar will explore the roots of Higher Life theology and the dangers of its application.
Andy Naselli is associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He further serves as a guest lecturer for the DMin program at The Master’s Seminary. Andy and his wife, Jenni, have four girls.

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Un argumento Petrino que se observa desde Hechos 2, citando contextualmente pasajes del salterio y reafirmando la expectativa de un futuro reino físico-terrenal.

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The Biblical genealogies, far from being passages in the Bible to skip over or read with impassive duty, are, indeed, powerful passages of Scripture that should shape our thinking, challenge our assumptions, and change our lives.

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Those who have suffered a frowning providence through a great loss in life are often tempted to bow to bitterness and deep anger toward God. This seminar, taking as its case study Naomi’s experience in the book of Ruth, is designed to speak to those who find themselves in that situation, or to those who want to help those that are.

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