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Biblical Worldview & Heart Attitudes

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Elder Q&A

Brian Biedebach & Brian Milam & John Bates & Jade Greenfield | Selected Scriptures | 11/10/2024


Please note, due to technical difficulties, this recording skips brief portions of audio.

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Authentic Ministry, Part 2

Christian Rodriguez | 1 Thessalonians 1:3–4 | 11/10/2024


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Following Christ Together

Ryan Bennett | Philippians 1:1–8 | 11/10/2024


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Gospel Participation

Nathan Busenitz | Titus 3:9–15 | 11/10/2024

Cornerstone | Series: Titus

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New Testament Survey: Acts

Mark Zhakevich | Selected Scriptures | 11/8/2024

Foundation | Series: New Testament Survey

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