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  • tom patton

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Tom Patton & John Street | Selected Scriptures | 9/18/2022

Joint Heirs

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Over the years, the Proverbs 31 woman has been met with a myriad of different reactions from both women and men in the church concerning her seemingly grandiose description and entrepreneurial activities. Is she a real woman that is to be modeled, or just a literary abstraction to be admired? This seminar answers these questions and provides a helpful guide for everyone who seeks to understand this Princess of Proverbs.

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During the past few years, more and more people have been confronted with the stark reality of death, and many of us have had to admit to feeling unprepared for the conversations that arise with those struggling with this reality. This seminar will offer a biblical approach to shepherding those we love through the crisis of suffering, fear, and loss by examining key aspects of counseling that highlight the believer's duty to weep with those who weep in love.

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Q & A with Tom Patton

Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 6/12/2022

Joint Heirs

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Q & A

Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 5/29/2022

Joint Heirs

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