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  • Sundays in July

Historical examples of doctrinal drift stand as a cautionary tale for the church today. This seminar will briefly trace Fuller Seminary’s drift from the doctrine of inerrancy and the repercussions.

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The Devastating Effects of Ongoing and Repeated Sin on the Conscience

What is the biblical view of the conscience? Academic psychology advocates the idea that the conscience is simply an unhealthy cultural/moral construct that represses natural inclinations leading to mental instability. Yet the Bible says that the conscience is given by God and that a biblically informed conscience is critical to mental stability. This leads us to an important question: how do we have achieve a clear and functional conscience?

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The Holy Spirit is often the most abused and misrepresented member of the Trinity, yet rightly knowing Him will have a powerful impact on your life and worship. This seminar will help you relish in His deity and understand His work in a biblical and personal way.

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Are you wondering whether you are using your spiritual gifts effectively, or are you looking for additional opportunities to serve at Grace Church? This seminar will help you connect more closely to the life of our church family and show how you can become further involved in the various ministries we have available.

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Should you care about what people think of you? Does your reputation matter? This seminar will explore what the Bible has to say about the importance of a good reputation before others as you live to the glory of God.

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This seminar will survey the history of the lordship controversy, with a biblical response to some of the most recent antinomian arguments.

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It is common to hear people, and even many Christians, speak of “therapeutic wholeness,” “forgiving themselves,” “getting rid of the guilts,” or “loving themselves more” in order maintain a feeling of personal goodness or innocence. To most, guilt is an enemy to be suppressed, often at the cost of repeated sin, pharmaceuticals, or other harmful solutions. But is guilt the enemy? And what role does your view of sin and guilt play in spiritual growth and sanctification?

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What does it mean to be called to preach? How would you know if you were? Today, the call to the ministry can be easily misunderstood. Some consider it to be mystical and subjective, others presume upon and abuse it, and others simply have questions about it. In any case, God’s Word provides abundant clarity for discerning this desire for the noble task of pastoral ministry.

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