Summer Sessions 2022 Summer Sessions

While many of our women’s studies and fellowships take a break during the summer months, we want to provide an opportunity for continued spiritual growth during this slower season so we’re making available a six-week study of the book of Joshua. The book of Joshua relates the story of the nation of Israel entering the Promised Land under the leadership of Moses’ successor, Joshua. This narrative not only tells the story of Yahweh’s people conquering the land but it also shows the fulfilment of Yahweh’s promise and covenant originally given to Abraham and his descendants. It’s a beautiful revelation of God’s sovereignty and His faithful and holy character.

Mientras que muchos de nuestros estudios y grupos de comunión de mujeres hacen una pausa durante los meses de verano, queremos proporcionar la oportunidad para continuar el crecimiento espiritual durante esta temporada más lenta, por lo que estamos poniendo a su disposición un estudio de seis semanas del libro de Josué. El libro de Josué relata la historia de la nación de Israel entrando a la Tierra prometida bajo el liderazgo de Josué, el sucesor de Moisés. Esta narración no solo cuenta la historia del pueblo de Yahweh conquistando la tierra, sino que también muestra el cumplimiento de la promesa y el pacto que originalmente Yahweh le había hecho a Abraham y a sus descendientes. Es una hermosa revelación de la soberanía de Dios, y de Su carácter fiel y santo.

Lauren Brown, Judy Luenebrink and Robin Contreras introduce the study of Joshua 1-2.
"Be Strong and Courageous" by Judy Luenebrink from Joshua 1-2: English Audio | Spanish Audio
Download lesson 1: English Lesson | Spanish Lesson

Download(s): Lesson / Spanish Lesson / Video

Josh Petras introduces the study of Joshua 3-5.
"Entering the Land" by Judy Luenebrink from Joshua 3-5: English Audio | Spanish Audio
Download lesson 2: English Lesson | Spanish Lesson

Download(s): Video / Lesson / Spanish Lesson

Josh Petras introduces the study of Joshua 6-8.
"Joy of Victory, Agony of Defeat" by Judy Luenebrink from Joshua 6-8: English Audio | Spanish Audio
Download lesson 3: English Lesson | Spanish Lesson

Download(s): Lesson / Spanish Lesson / Video

Josh Petras introduces Joshua 9-12

"Possessing The Land" by Judy Luenebrink from Joshua 9-12: English Audio | Spanish Audio

Download lesson 4: English Lesson | Spanish Lesson

Download(s): Lesson / Spanish Lesson / Video

Anna Sanders introduces Joshua 13-22

"Dividing the Land" by Judy Luenebrink from Joshua 13-22: English Audio | Spanish Audio

Download lesson 5: English Lesson | Spanish Lesson

Download(s): Lesson / Spanish Lesson / Video

Andrew Curry introduces Joshua 23 & 24

"Finishing Well" by Judy Luenebrink from Joshua 23 & 24: English Audio | Spanish Audio 

Download lesson 6: English Lesson | Spanish Lesson

Download(s): Lesson / Spanish Lesson / Video