Sundays in July 2022 Sundays in July


During the month of July, our regular Sunday morning Fellowship Groups go on hiatus. Designed to be a time of refreshment and fellowship with our Grace Church family as a whole, these five weeks give our congregation the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of teaching from our pastors and elders, professors at The Master’s University, and guest lecturers for the Doctor of Ministry Program at The Master’s Seminary. Our prayer is that you will be refreshed and renewed by these times of equipping. These are the various teachings recorded in July 2022.

You can also subscribe to the Sundays in July podcast via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or RSS Feed.

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, audio recordings from the following sessions are not available:

Sunday, July 3, 2022

When Jesus arrived in the world, He fulfilled thousands of years of expectations set by Old Testament Prophets. We will look specifically at one of these prophets, Zechariah, and the glorious vision of Christ the Messiah that he presents.

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Life is full of decisions, and we make those decisions in light of the providence and imperatives of God. This seminar will explore biblical instructions about how to make decisions and how to think about past decisions.

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Lyman Beecher was a dominant force in American religion in the first half of the nineteenth century. One of his sons, Henry Ward Beecher, was the most famous man in America in the second half of that century; his daughter, Harriet Beecher Stowe, was the leading female author of her time; and several other Beechers achieved fame and influence in their own lifetimes. We will discuss how this family's ideas and idiosyncrasies continue to dominate American evangelicalism.

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Un vistazo panorámico al escenario elegido por Dios para el cumplimiento de acontecimientos descritos en la Biblia como recordatorio de su perfecto plan redentor.

Download(s): Spanish MP3 / Spanish PPT

Contemporary society’s obsession over what one “identifies” as is rooted in an anti-biblical doctrine of man. It has never been more important to find our identity in what God says we are as His image-bearers, and that identity begins with creation and the historical Adam—two biblical doctrines under incessant attack from today’s culture.

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The Biblical genealogies, far from being passages in the Bible to skip over or read with impassive duty, are, indeed, powerful passages of Scripture that should shape our thinking, challenge our assumptions, and change our lives.

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During the past few years, more and more people have been confronted with the stark reality of death, and many of us have had to admit to feeling unprepared for the conversations that arise with those struggling with this reality. This seminar will offer a biblical approach to shepherding those we love through the crisis of suffering, fear, and loss by examining key aspects of counseling that highlight the believer's duty to weep with those who weep in love.

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All work is a reflection of being made in the image of God, but when a Christian works it is a reflection of being made new in the image of Christ. The believer’s work is worthy and enjoyable because it is from the Lord and for the Lord.

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Those who have suffered a frowning providence through a great loss in life are often tempted to bow to bitterness and deep anger toward God. This seminar, taking as its case study Naomi’s experience in the book of Ruth, is designed to speak to those who find themselves in that situation, or to those who want to help those that are.

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Un argumento Petrino que se observa desde Hechos 2, citando contextualmente pasajes del salterio y reafirmando la expectativa de un futuro reino físico-terrenal.

Download(s): Spanish MP3

Sunday, July 10, 2022

From the pulpit at Westminster Chapel in London, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones set a new standard for faithful and passionate preaching, a standard that continues to be relevant today. We will benefit immensely from a look at the exemplary life and ministry of a trained physician who sensed an irresistible call to preach.

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“Let go and let God” theology may sound appealing, but this popular approach to sanctification is both deeply unbiblical and extremely harmful. This seminar will explore the roots of Higher Life theology and the dangers of its application.
Andy Naselli is associate professor of systematic theology and New Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of Bethlehem Baptist Church. He further serves as a guest lecturer for the DMin program at The Master’s Seminary. Andy and his wife, Jenni, have four girls.

Download(s): MP3

Scripture is clear that vengeance belongs to God alone, yet relational rifts often introduce a temptation to avenge a wrong ourselves. We will look at what the Bible says about God’s vengeance and a Christian’s responsibility to trust and forgive.

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This seminar will continue the study began last week, as we learn not only of what God says we are, but also of the glory and responsibility we have of being created as bearers of His image.

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How could a seminary dropout who suffered from chronic depression and disease inspire countless missionaries? Why would Jonathan Edwards, America’s greatest theologian, write that man’s biography, and eventually follow in his footsteps at great personal cost? Learn of the Great Awakening that gave birth to David Brainerd, whose brief but amazing life still inspires us today. 

Download(s): MP3

Some love eschatology, yet others are intimidated by it, wondering if it has a purpose other than stirring up debates. We will survey what the Bible says about the future and see why the Bible talks about it in the first place.

Download(s): MP3 / Slides

Sunday, July 17, 2022

More often than we would like to think, throughout history the church has had to meet secretly. In that context, believers have had to learn crucial principles and lessons that Christians today would do well to know.

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God’s immutable essence is the very foundation of our trust in Him. If God is not unchanging, like a rock, then He cannot act as our fortress in times of turmoil. But if God is a God who does not change, then we have every reassurance that we can run to Him when the whole earth has given way under our feet.

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There are many admonitions in Scripture for us as believers concerning our duties toward one another in the church. In this seminar, we will discuss a number of these responsibilities, with an emphasis on how to apply them, so that all in our church would be edified and Christ would be exalted.

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As believers, we are not to allow our thinking to be taken captive by philosophy and empty deception. One of the most prevalent deceptive philosophies in our current culture is that of the victim mentality. This seminar discusses the biblical truth that defends against this dangerous mindset.

Download(s): Slides / MP3

In Isaiah 6, Isaiah discovered that all the intellectual prowess in the world could not reach God—rather, God reveals Himself through your worship of Him. This involves not only diligent Bible study, but a worshipful prayer life fueled by the memorization of His beautiful and powerful Word.

Download(s): MP3 / Handout

Are you curious about spiritual gifts—what they are, how they operate, and why some of them passed away? In this seminar, we will look to the New Testament to address the practical and sometimes controversial issue of spiritual gifts in the Christian life.

Download(s): Slides / MP3

Amid the uncertainties of life, the Bible teaches us how to trust in the Lord and find peace for our souls.

Download(s): MP3

It is essential for today’s church leaders to recover a biblical (rather than cultural) definition of hospitality in order to fulfill God’s purpose for the church. Scripture presents hospitality as a vital ministry for both men and women to practice in order to advance the gospel and model God’s welcoming heart.

Download(s): MP3

What did America’s key founders believe about God, the Bible, and Christianity, and how did that influence America’s founding documents? This seminar will examine what they believed in their own words and why it matters today.

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When it comes to a life of strength with meekness, boldness with gentleness, and conviction with grace, Jesus Christ is the premier example. This seminar examines the exceptional life of J.C. Ryle, a man who knew and followed Jesus Christ in such a way that his own life began to closely resemble our Lord’s.

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

Parenting in a culture that is hostile to both our children and biblical truth is a challenge. This session will encourage parents and equip them to address the difficult parenting issues that often arise in the midst of an antagonistic culture.

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For many of us, the definition and doctrine of "love" has been severely
degraded by the influence of the world. In a series of lectures entitled Charity and Its Fruits, Jonathan Edwards explores what the Bible has to say about love from 1 Corinthians 13. This seminar will look at Edwards' life and theology, and in so doing help us recover a biblical definition of love.

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What is a woman? How does the creation of men and women in God’s image relate to equality? What does it mean to be a suitable helper, a worker at home, and to live contently in submission to God? Today’s culture has lost the ability to answer these questions, but God’s Word is clear. This session will encourage us to understand our Creator’s design and the joy that is found in living confidently and purposefully according to His plan.

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More than just a collection of storybook moments, the book of Exodus tells of the unrivaled glory of the one true God. This seminar will explore how Exodus increases our understanding of God, His relationship with His people, and His plans for eternity.

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Anchoring Your Heart in the Lord Many Christians can find themselves being pulled into the events and issues of this fallen world, which often appears to be spiraling out of control. We will look at biblical truths that provide guidance and encouragement to help us live out our days for the glory of God.

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This seminar will look at how inspired revelation describes both the
prevention and the path to moral compromise from Proverbs 7.

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While not one of the twelve apostles, Paul’s ministry shaped the first
Christians through his writings and laid the foundation of the church, which endures to this day. But the life of the apostle Paul is more complex than merely that of a New Testament writer and church planter—it is comprised of murder, healings, visions, and martyrdom. This session will unveil the life of Paul from his birth to his death according to the New Testament evidence and early church tradition about the man who was accused of upsetting the entire Roman Empire.

Download(s): MP3

Sunday, July 31, 2022

The financial headlines of the day make managing money seem impossible and uncertain. We will look at the simple truths in the Bible and make application of that wisdom to your daily handling of money.

Download(s): MP3

Despite these uncertain times with perplexing and unsettling issues, it is important to remember that nothing is a surprise to God and believers are to live with joy and confidence in light of eternity. As women who are rooted in Christ and established in our faith, this session is a practical look at what our daily walk should be and looks to Scripture for instruction about fighting the temptation to be anxious and walking in trust and peace with Christ.

Download(s): MP3 / Slides

This seminar is going to show us what the Bible has to say about disabilities and what our responsibility as Christians is to these precious people.

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Over the years, the Proverbs 31 woman has been met with a myriad of different reactions from both women and men in the church concerning her seemingly grandiose description and entrepreneurial activities. Is she a real woman that is to be modeled, or just a literary abstraction to be admired? This seminar answers these questions and provides a helpful guide for everyone who seeks to understand this Princess of Proverbs.

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This seminar will provide an overview of the “woke movement,” show areas where it contradicts biblical principles, and provide advice for interacting with those caught in the movement.

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How do we react to ungodliness within the church? Moreover, what is the difference between the “visible church” and the “invisible church”? This seminar will endeavor to answer those questions and seek to understand how that distinction affects our lives.

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