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  • matt poladian

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Hudson Taylor said, "The Great Commission is not an option to be considered but a command to be obeyed."  Are you living in obedience to this command? In this Q&A session, we will explore the implications of the Great Commission for missionaries and non-missionaries, along with a variety of other missions-related topics.

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The task of a parent is both challenging and rewarding, and that is particularly true for parents of teens. Proverbs 29:17 highlights the comfort and delight God provides to faithful parents, and we'll look at how best to apply this wisdom from Scripture to matters that arise in the parent-teen relationship.

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The Joy Problem

Matt Poladian | Ecclesiastes 1:12–2:26 | 3/17/2023

Westside Bible Study | Series: Ecclesiastes


While there is no particular scripture that speaks specifically about youth ministry, the Bible provides plenty of wisdom that can be applied to those who serve in youth ministry. This seminar explores those essential doctrines that should be top of mind for Christians who minister to young people.

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For many of us, the definition and doctrine of "love" has been severely
degraded by the influence of the world. In a series of lectures entitled Charity and Its Fruits, Jonathan Edwards explores what the Bible has to say about love from 1 Corinthians 13. This seminar will look at Edwards' life and theology, and in so doing help us recover a biblical definition of love.

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Scripture is clear that vengeance belongs to God alone, yet relational rifts often introduce a temptation to avenge a wrong ourselves. We will look at what the Bible says about God’s vengeance and a Christian’s responsibility to trust and forgive.

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