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  • Sundays in July

In this session, we will review the seven passages in the New Testament that clarify and illustrate the process, purpose, and exercise of church discipline. The application of those principles at Grace Church will also discussed.

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While this question may be intimidating to some and intriguing to others, its answer is essential for all. A. W.  Tozer said, “what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This session will explore the character and work of God the Father to begin to answer this all-important question for our lives.

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The world says you need help, and we know from the Bible that we do. But from where should our help come? Does lasting help truly come from Jesus alone, or does the world system have anything to offer us?

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Beginning with Christ’s call to follow him, this seminar will investigate the biblical concept of discipleship and how the church has pursued it throughout history, concluding with clear steps for believers’ practice today.

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When it comes to women's roles at church, there seems to be a gap between what is written in Scripture and what we are seeing walked out in churches across America. This seminar will provide theological clarity as it focuses on God's created design for women's roles in the church.

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The task of a parent is both challenging and rewarding, and that is particularly true for parents of teens. Proverbs 29:17 highlights the comfort and delight God provides to faithful parents, and we'll look at how best to apply this wisdom from Scripture to matters that arise in the parent-teen relationship.

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Though understanding the nature of truth is foundational to all rational thought, there is presently no concept more under attack by the world than the truth. This seminar defines truth biblically and presents it as the only remedy for a culture in chaos.

Download the handout for this session.

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It is well known that Charles Spurgeon battled depression all his life—but most of his biographies downplay this side of his temperament. What were the causes of his melancholy, and how did someone under such a weight of despondency accomplish as much as he did for the kingdom?

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