Search Results


  • The Foundry

A Tour of the Foundry, Part 2

Kurt Gebhards | Selected Scriptures | 10/26/2008

The Foundry | Series: A Tour of the Foundry

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Kingdoms in Conflict

Kurt Gebhards | Philippians 3:17–21 | 10/5/2008

The Foundry

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The Importance of Attitude

Kurt Gebhards | Philippians 3:15–16 | 9/28/2008

The Foundry

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Defying the 80/20 Rule

Kurt Gebhards | Philippians 3:11–14 | 9/21/2008

The Foundry

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Five Uses for your Money

Chris Hamilton | Selected Scriptures | 9/7/2008

The Foundry

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Session 6

Jack Hughes | Selected Scriptures | 9/1/2008

The Foundry

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Session 4

Jack Hughes | Selected Scriptures | 8/31/2008

The Foundry

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Session 5

Jack Hughes | Selected Scriptures | 8/31/2008

The Foundry

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