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  • The Foundry

Flashlight or Floodlight

Kurt Gebhards | Philippians 2:14–16 | 3/2/2008

The Foundry | Series: Flashlight or Floodlight

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The Love of God

Jesse Johnson | 1 John 4:7–12 | 2/3/2008

The Foundry

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Mastering the Art of Change

Adam Chiappelone | Ephesians 4:17–32 | 1/20/2008

The Foundry

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A Godly Path to the Altar

Kurt Gebhards | Selected Scriptures | 1/13/2008

The Foundry

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The Motivation and Model of Prayer

Brent Small | Ephesians 3:14–19 | 12/30/2007

The Foundry

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Informal Encouragement

Kurt Gebhards | Selected Scriptures | 12/23/2007

The Foundry

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