Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 6/16/2024
Download(s): MP3
Gregg Frazer | Romans 13:1–7 | 6/9/2024
Brad Klassen | Titus 3:1–8 | 4/30/2023
Commissioned | Series: Exposition of Titus
Download(s): MP3 / Slides
Jesse Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 3/10/2023
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2023
Living Stones vs. Voting Blocs
John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 10/2/2022
Grace Pulpit
Nathan Busenitz & James Coates | Selected Scriptures | 3/11/2022
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2022
Tom Patton | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 9/26/2021
Joint Heirs
Nathan Busenitz | Selected Scriptures | 7/18/2021
Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2021
John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 6/13/2021
Download(s): MP3 / Russian MP3 / Korean MP3 / Arabic MP3
Tom Patton | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 6/6/2021
Grace Pulpit | Series: Stand Firm
Download(s): MP3 / Video
Selected Scriptures | 4/28/2021
Men of the Word | Series: Wisdom
Download(s): MP3 / PDF / DOC / PDF
Ty Nickelberry | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 3/19/2021
Foundation | Series: Submission
Gregg Frazer | Romans 13:1–7 | 11/8/2020
John MacArthur | Selected Scriptures | 7/26/2020
Download(s): MP3 / Spanish MP3 / Korean MP3 / Italian MP3 / Russian MP3 / Arabic MP3
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 7/12/2020
Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2020
Ann Bradley | Romans 13:1–7 | 3/25/2020
Every Woman’s Grace | Series: EWG 2019–2020 Season
Lesson available for download
Download(s): Lesson / Spanish Lesson / MP3 / Video / Spanish MP3
George Crawford | Selected Scriptures | 7/14/2019
Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2019
Christians and Voting
Nathan Busenitz | Daniel 1–7 | 11/4/2018
George Crawford | Selected Scriptures | 7/29/2018
Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2018 | Series: Church & Government
George Crawford | Selected Scriptures | 7/22/2018
Austin Duncan | Ecclesiastes 8 | 6/17/2018
Crossroads | Series: A Life Well Lived
A Life Well Lived
Brian Biedebach | Selected Scriptures | 7/2/2017
Sundays in July | Sundays in July 2017
Tom Patton | Titus 2:15–3:2 | 11/6/2016
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 7/31/2016
Sundays in July | Sundays In July 2016
Examining the Evidence for a Christian America
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 7/17/2016
The Religious Beliefs of America's Founding Fathers
Gregg Frazer | Romans 13 | 6/19/2016
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 6/19/2016
Cornerstone | Series: The Founding Fathers
The Religious Beliefs of America's Founders
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 6/12/2016
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 6/5/2016
A look at what key American founders say they believed.
Chris Gee | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 4/29/2016
Grace on Campus UCLA
Nathan Busenitz | 1 Timothy 2:1–7 | 3/20/2016
Mike Riccardi | Philippians 3:7–8 | 6/28/2015
Grace Pulpit | Series: The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ
Eric Dodson | Romans 13:1–7 | 4/12/2015
Tom Patton | Selected Scriptures | 10/26/2014
Rich Gregory | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 5/25/2014
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 3/16/2014
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 3/6/2014
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2014
Andrew Gutierrez | Romans 13:1–7 | 2/9/2014
180 Ministry
Eric Bancroft | Titus 3:1–8 | 2/9/2014
Don Carr | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 10/25/2013
The Guild
Mathias Kern | Selected Scriptures | 11/4/2012
Nathan Busenitz | 1 Timothy 2:1–7 | 10/28/2012
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 10/7/2012
Jonathan Rourke | Ecclesiastes 8 | 8/21/2011
John MacArthur | Romans 13:6–7 | 2/20/2011
John MacArthur | Romans 13:6–7 | 1/23/2011
Tom Patton | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 3/15/2009
Jonathan Rourke | Romans 13:1–5 | 2/8/2009
Nate Williams | Romans 13:1–7 | 7/9/2008
Jonathan Rourke | Romans 13:1–7 | 7/6/2008
Phil Johnson | Matthew 5:16 | 3/16/2008
Phil Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 3/6/2008
Phil Johnson | Selected Scriptures | 3/5/2008
Shepherds Conference | Shepherds Conference 2008
How to shepherd your congregation in an election
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 10/21/2007
Rick Holland | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 4/22/2007
Crossroads | Series: Submission and Citizenship
Rick Holland | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 4/15/2007
Gregg Frazer | Selected Scriptures | 8/13/2006
Jonathan Rourke | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 6/11/2006
Mainstream | Series: The Will of God
Jonathan Rourke | 1 Peter 2:13–17 | 8/7/2005
Wayne Foil | 1 Peter 2:13–3:7 | 2/20/2005
Dan Dumas | Titus 3:1–3 | 1/25/2004
Cornerstone | Series: Dual Citizenship
Dan Dumas | Titus 3:1–3 | 1/18/2004
Dan Dumas | Titus 3:1–2 | 1/11/2004
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